I. Purpose
This scholarship is funded by the Jinan Municipal Government and specially designed for international talents from Jinan’s sister cities in order to further their education and conduct research.
II. Eligibility
1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens from one of the sister cities of Jinan (refer to the city list at the end of this page), and should be in good mental and physical health.
2. Applicants should adhere to the laws and regulations of China, Shandong University rules and regulations and the (academic) requirements of the school.
3. Applicants must hold high school diploma or equivalent qualification when applying for Bachelor programs.
Applicants must hold Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification when applying for Master programs.
Applicants must hold Master’s degree or equivalent qualification when applying for Ph.D. programs.
Applicants must hold high school diploma or above when applying for Non-degree programs.
Applicants who have not graduated yet must submit pre-graduation certificates certified by their current institution. It should contain an expected date of graduation. The original degree/diploma must be provided upon registration; otherwise, the scholarship will be revoked.
4. Applicants should ensure high academic scores.
5. Applicants may not receive other scholarships/grants from the Chinese government.
III. Application Time
From January 1st till May 31st, 2023
IV. Application Procedure
Eligible applicants must log in to the SDU Online Application System for International Students (http://www.apply.sdu.edu.cn) to complete the application. Application documents should also be sent to admission@email.sdu.edu.cn.
V. Application Materials
All requested documents should be scanned in color.
1. The Application Form for Jinan Sister Cities Scholarship should be filled in in English or Chinese.
2. Other documents, please refer to application instructions.
2023 Application Instructions for International Students (Bachelor Programs)
2023 Application Instructions for International Students (Master Programs)
2023 Application Instructions for International Students (Ph.D. Programs)
VI. Types
“Jinan Sister City Scholarship” are not full scholarships. The scholarships consist of two types: Type I and Type II Scholarships.
Type I Scholarships will support:
(1) Students who are enrolled as full-time students in degree programs at all levels (i.e. Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. programs)
(2) Students who want to further their education in academic programs (including language programs) for one academic year or more.
Type II Scholarships will support:
(1) Students who want to further their education in academic programs (including language programs) for less than one academic year.
(2) Participants of short-term exchange/visiting programs (e.g. students, government officials, etc.)
VII. Administration
The Scholarship will be administered by Shandong University and designated to cover certain amount of the cost of awardee’s attendance: on-campus housing (double room), tuition (fully covered or partially covered), insurance, etc. Contact SDU for more detailed information.
VIII. Contact Us
Address: Room C301, Mingde Building, Shandong University (Central Campus), No.27 Shanda Nanlu, Jinan, Shandong, P. R. China
Postal Code: 250100
Phone: +86(0)531-88364854
Fax: +86(0)531-88565051
Email: admission@email.sdu.edu.cn
Website: http://www.istudy.sdu.edu.cn
List of Sister Cities of Jinan
序号No. |
国家名称Country |
友城名称City |
1 |
日本 |
Japan |
和歌山市 |
Wakayama |
2 |
日本 |
Japan |
山口市 |
Yamaguchi |
3 |
英国 |
United Kingdom |
考文垂市 |
Coventry |
4 |
美国 |
United States |
萨克拉门托市 |
Sacramento |
5 |
加拿大 |
Canada |
里贾纳市 |
Regina |
6 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
水原市 |
Suwon |
7 |
芬兰 |
Finland |
万达市 |
Vantaa |
8 |
法国 |
France |
雷恩市 |
Rennes |
9 |
意大利 |
Italy |
奇维塔韦基亚市 |
Civitavecchia |
10 |
澳大利亚 |
Australia |
郡德勒普市 |
Joondalup |
11 |
德国 |
Germany |
奥格斯堡市 |
Augsburg |
12 |
俄罗斯 |
Russia |
下诺夫哥罗德市 |
Nizhny Novgorod |
13 |
乌克兰 |
Ukraine |
哈尔科夫市 |
Kharkov |
14 |
白俄罗斯 |
Republic of Belarus |
维捷布斯克市 |
Vitebsk |
15 |
白俄罗斯 |
Republic of Belarus |
明斯克市苏维埃区 |
Minsk |
16 |
土耳其 |
Turkey |
马尔马里斯市 |
Marmaris |
17 |
印度尼西亚 |
Indonesia |
徐图利祖市 |
Sidoarjo |
18 |
保加利亚 |
Bulgaria |
卡赞勒格市 |
Kazanlak |
19 |
印度 |
India |
那格浦尔市 |
Nagpur |
20 |
以色列 |
Israel |
卡法萨巴市 |
Kfar Saba |
21 |
斯洛文尼亚 |
Slovenia |
马里博尔市 |
Maribor |
22 |
佛得角 |
Cape Verde |
普拉亚市 |
Praia |
23 |
巴西 |
Brazil |
波多韦柳市 |
Porto Velho |
24 |
墨西哥 |
Mexico |
萨博潘市 |
Zapopan |
25 |
埃塞俄比亚 |
Ethiopia |
阿尔巴门奇市 |
Arba Minch |
26 |
巴布亚新几内亚 |
Papua New Guinea |
莫尔斯比港 |
Port Moresby |
27 |
格鲁吉亚 |
Georgia |
库塔伊西市 |
Kutaisi |
28 |
美国 |
United States |
兰辛市 |
Lansing |
29 |
美国 |
United States |
纽瓦克市 |
Newark |
30 |
美国 |
United States |
圣安东尼奥 |
San Antonio |
31 |
英国 |
United Kingdom |
巴斯市 |
Bath |
32 |
新西兰 |
New Zealand |
陶波市 |
Taupo |
33 |
加拿大 |
Canada |
舍布鲁克市 |
Sherbrooke |
34 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
仁川市 |
Inchon |
35 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
大田市 |
Daejeon |
36 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
昌原市 |
Changwon |
37 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
安东市 |
Andong |
38 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
抱川市 |
Pocheon |
39 |
韩国 |
South Korea |
浦项市 |
Pohang |
40 |
日本 |
Japan |
新潟市 |
Niigata |
41 |
日本 |
Japan |
大野市 |
ŌnoCity |
42 |
法国 |
France |
尼斯市 |
Nice |
43 |
法国 |
France |
马赛市 |
Marseille |
44 |
法国 |
France |
孚日省 |
Vosges |
45 |
德国 |
Germany |
慕尼黑 |
Munich |
46 |
德国 |
Germany |
德累斯顿市 |
Dresden |
47 |
希腊 |
Greece |
科孚市 |
Corfu |
48 |
波兰 |
Poland |
什切青市 |
Szczecin |
49 |
瑞典 |
Sweden |
韦斯特拉 |
Westra |
50 |
马来西亚 |
Malaysia |
新山市 |
Johor Bahru |
51 |
印度 |
India |
班加罗尔市 |
Bengaluru |
52 |
印度 |
India |
卡纳塔卡邦 |
Karnataka |
53 |
印尼 |
Indonesia |
东爪哇省 |
East Java(Java Timur) |
54 |
澳大利亚 |
Australia |
昂卡帕林加市 |
Onkaparinga |
55 |
丹麦 |
Denmark |
桑德堡市 |
Sonderborg |
56 |
匈牙利 |
Hungary |
克萨费维莱尔 |
Xaffévillers |
57 |
匈牙利 |
Hungary |
埃格尔 |
Eger |
58 |
芬兰 |
Finland |
罗瓦涅米市 |
Rovaniemi |
59 |
西班牙 |
Spain |
托莱多市 |
Toledo |
60 |
立陶宛 |
Republic of Lithuania |
乌泰纳市 |
Utenos |
61 |
立陶宛 |
Republic of Lithuania |
比斯托纳斯市 |
Birštonas |
62 |
捷克 |
Czech Republic |
玛利亚温泉市 |
Mariánské Lázně |
63 |
捷克 |
Czech Republic |
卡罗维法里市 |
Karlovy Vary |
64 |
捷克 |
Czech Republic |
布拉格15区 |
PragueFifteen District |
65 |
捷克 |
Czech Republic |
库特纳霍拉市 |
Kutna Hora |
66 |
纳米比亚 |
Republic of Namibia |
温得和克市 |
Windhoek |
67 |
斯里兰卡 |
Sri Lanka |
卡卢特勒 |
Kalutara |
68 |
摩洛哥 |
Morocco |
拉巴特市 |
Rabat |
69 |
加蓬 |
Gabon |
利伯维尔市 |
Libreville |
70 |
南非 |
South Africa |
艾库鲁勒尼市 |
Ekurhuleni |
71 |
泰国 |
Thailand |
大城府 |
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya |
72 |
柬埔寨 |
Cambodia |
暹粒省 |
Siem Reap |
73 |
越南 |
Vietnam |
海阳省 |
Hải Dương |
74 |
荷兰 |
Netherlands |
莱顿市 |
Leiden |
75 |
印度尼西亚 |
Indonesia |
万隆市 |
Bandung |
76 |
巴西 |
Brazil |
福塔莱萨 |
Fortaleza |
77 |
澳大利亚 |
Australia |
西托列斯比卡拉 |
West Torrens Birkalla |
78 |
乌兹别克斯坦 |
Uzbekistan |
撒马尔罕 |
Samarkand |